Order Status Meanings

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Order Status Definitions

Explanation of Order Status

Payment Status

Unpaid Balance - Payment for your order has not been completed. In most cases, this means that you have selected "check / money order / wire transfer" as your payment method and your payment has not yet been received. This status also applies to all phone and counter orders before payment is completed. If your order is set to this status for more than 24hrs, please contact us to confirm payment.

Paid in full - Payment for your order has been completed successfully. This status is considered to be a final payment status. Online orders paid with a credit card are all set to this status as soon as the card is charged. 

Local Pickup - You have requested that your order be held at Z1 to be paid in person.

Quote - This status applies to phone orders that are currently awaiting payment. If your order is set to this status you should have received an email with a link to pay. If not please let us know what we can do to help you complete this order.

Quote - Expired - You have not paid for your quote within 30 Days.

Refunded - Your order has received a refund for part of the order.

Cancelled - Your entire order has been cancelled and refunded before shipping.

Shipping Status

Pending - This is the originating status for all orders. Your order will remain at this status until sent to the shipping department. All unpaid orders including partially paid orders will remain at this status until payment is completed. If your order remains at this status for more than 48hrs, please contact us to confirm the order.

Processing - Your order has been sent to the shipping department.

Partial Shipment - Indicates that your order in it's entirety could not be shipped at one time from our location.

Shipped - Your order has been filled completely, packaged, and sent to the appropriate shipping company to carry out your delivery.

Local Pickup - You have requested that your order be held at Z1 to be picked up in person.

Picked Up - You have visited Z1, paid for your order, and picked up your parts.

Contacted to Verify Satisfaction - We have attempted to contact you via email and / or by phone to verify your satisfaction with your order.

Cancelled - This status indicates the order was completely cancelled.

Waiting on Core Item - You have selected "Sending Core First" on one or more items on your order. These items will not ship until we receive and inspect your acceptable core.

VCW Emailed - Vehicle Compliance Waiver has been emailed. Your order will not ship until we receive your confirmation.

VCW Completed - Vehicle Compliance Waiver has been received and confirmed.

Package Returned to Sender - We have received your shipment back to us. Please call in to our sales department if this was in error.